Repairs and Such

Things we repair - Things we can re-manufacture - Things you can do for Us

We are constantly fighting obsolescence, especially promoted by manufactures and less than capable supply houses and service providers. We don't intentionally go out to diss them but our experience has shown that there are other motives to steer you in another direction besides repair. New and shiny is not always better or less expensive, even in the long run. It's so easy to throw your hands up in frustration and say, "lets just replace it and be done" Often this is not the case. The factors leading to the demise of your existing equipment will still be there even after you replace. We are here to help get you up and running and make the most out of your initial capital investment without too much headache or monetary expenditure.

It's easier for us to take that same tact and just tell you to replace something rather then by repairing it. After all, we make more money by selling you something new. That is not what XIS Controls is all about. We have built our business reputation on satisfied customer following and repeat business. We spend time providing free diagnostic testing, often not generating a sale but by getting your equipment up and running again. We are interested in gaining your trust and having you come back when you have a real need for parts. To that extent we are unique and the leader in this niche sector. We want you to be more savvy about keeping your security and physical access control equipment functioning reliably. A number of our customers have come to understand that their equipment was built to last and is not a victim of Planned Obsolescence

There are certain equipment we will repair/renew that will be less costly than a replacement if a replacement is actually available
A recent repair of a no longer available Alvarado LED Traffic Flow Indicator. Only one Green LED was working. We replaced all 10. It was a non-standard voltage LED that was required to be sourced

TCB 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 & 6.4 Repairs - $54.00 Flat Rate

Pupkit rebuild - all versions

Hinged and articulated microswitches 46-006B and 101-012 - New switch body with your existing actuator arm - $32.00 Flat Rate

Broken part duplication - In our factory trained machine shop we can duplicate broken or worn parts for your equipment - send us a photo of your broken surviving part.

PLC programming - Purchased a PLC for your Burle/Philips Turnstile and found out it won't work?. We can program it with the proper firmware.

Reconfigure your Tomsed TUT-60 or TST-75 Mechanism direction Fail-lock. Fail-safe, Free passage, No passage. We guide you or ship us your mechanism.

Other items? - Contact us 919-412-9200,


Things we need to help us to help customers. In some ways we serve as a mutual help platform so customers can help other customers.

We are always looking for manuals, drawings and parts lists so we can share them with customers who need them.

Sometimes we need turnstile components so we can have them reproduced. Maybe you have excess stock, let's talk.

We are currently in need of a dead, non-working Boon Edam 10904 control board for an R&D project we are working on. The factory provided board is not robust and subject to premature failure. We want to remedy that.

If you are a Service Provider and a loyal XIS Controls customer, we are expanding our data base of capable and reliable service and repair contractors. Very often we are asked by end users to refer someone in their area who can perform repairs to their equipment. If you wish to be included in our referable contractors list, please let us know the extent of the geographic area you can serve.

Making Obsolescence Obsolete

Questions? Call 919-412-9200 or Email

Phone Orders 919-412-9200

XIS Controls - Pedestrian Control & Automation Solutions - Engineers, Innovators